Community Status

This thread serves as a status update for events pertaining to this community site. Posts will be made when settings, features, or direction of the site has or is planning to change.

Hey everyone, things slowed down on the site here for a moment while I focused back on Arduboy activities. But the ESP32 and other platforms continue to call out to me, asking to be developed and made into Singleboard Computers!

I just recently built 2 more of the Singleboard Alpha and put them on sale on tindie. As those sell out, I’ll be ordering 10 more with some upgrades that will go straight to sale.

I’ll also be cleaning up around the community, and editing a couple of the submissions of other systems we have received. Primarily making more tags available for different processor and display types.

You’re encouraged to post your own system to the forum, but try to use the tags correctly. If the tag for your platform isn’t available please message me I’ll try to get it added!

Let me know if you have any other questions or request, thanks!

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