Only allowed to post one image so im sharing the schematic . . . if u want other details i can email u the other stuff i was gonn put on here
Kind of a failed project but here is a board I had been working on i had called BitByte. It is powered by a teensy 4.1 dev board as the brains with an esp32s3 for board to board multiplayer using esp-now. Was meant to be a fun dev board that can be used to make games as well as use with a breadboard for prototyping through the broken out gpio. Though I dont have the firmware out there it was running a custom scripting language to allow programming without an ide, any text editor would do. It was meant as a way to really lower the bar of entry into electronics and in a fun way. If u want to see more details I had run a kickstarter for it (dont worry, the kickstarter failed and im not continuing it so Im not trying to sell u anything, its just where the most details about it was).
[Major Components/Modules]
Teensy 4.1 Dev Board
ESP32-S3 N8R8 module
ILI9341 Display from adafruit (2.8 TFT Display - 240x320 with Capacitive Touchscreen : ID 2770 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)
Joystick from adafruit (Mini 2-Axis Analog Thumbstick : ID 2765 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits)
lsm6do gyro/accelerometer
see schematic for pinout
I dont have my original firmware available, however u can use bodmer’s tft_espi for display driver if u need one and r on arduino.
Here is the original schematic with the teensy soldered to the board